Learn from our 2017 no-cost workshops about how existing K-12 school and community college buildings in California are being transformed to zero net energy (ZNE) performance. Information about 2018 trainings are also available. More than 10 new pilot projects are currently underway through a unique investor-owned utility pilot program called the Proposition 39 ZNE Schools Pilot Program. These real-world examples will offer critical insight into the costs, design and construction approaches, and operational needs to successfully achieve ZNE in schools through whole building retrofits. Upcoming workshops will feature the experiences of school officials and design teams working on these groundbreaking projects to help share the lessons learned and expand knowledge of the opportunities and challenges to ZNE school retrofit design and operations.
Who should attend: School administrators, construction and operations managers, business office staff, community stakeholders, architects, engineers, contractors, and others interested in ZNE are encouraged to attend. Space is limited, so please register and reserve your spot today.
This three-hour session focuses on the business of creating ZNE school retrofit projects within California’s K-12 and community college campuses. This interactive workshop will highlight the experiences of districts participating in the Proposition 39 ZNE Schools Pilot program including planning, engaging stakeholders, assessment of costs and savings and options to secure financing. Decision makers and operators of these Prop 39 Pilot projects will provide real life examples and case studies to assist in replicating similar projects in your own district. Attendees will be given the tools and strategies to help build consensus among community members and engage all the necessary audiences.
This workshop was held prior to the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit and Exposition.
Presentation, Prop 39 Case Study: Nik Kaestner, San Francisco Unified School District, Director of Sustainability
Attendees will advance their knowledge of the design process, technology application and approaches used in the Proposition 39 ZNE Schools Pilot Program. The four-hour interactive workshop will highlight technical design features and construction practices from the ongoing multi-year journey of the Proposition 39 ZNE pilot schools program. These schools are establishing “proof of concept” that ZNE retrofits of schools are in fact feasible across California and will be presented as case studies and models for replication in your own design. The training will also address operational considerations that are crucial for ongoing successful performance. This workshop is offered in collaboration with the City of San Jose and Silicon Valley Energy Watch.
A flyer with this information is also available for download here.
Workshop Presentations:
About Silicon Valley Energy Watch
School Retrofit Opportunities Part 1
School Retrofit Opportunities Part 2
ZNE Schools, Alexis Karolides, Point Energy Innovations
Prop 39 ZNE Pilot School Summaries
During the workshop, participants asked for us to send follow up information on three resources, including:
- RES-BCT program: http://www.pge.com/en_US/for-our-business-partners/interconnection-renewables/export-power/distributed-generation-handbook/net-energy-metering/res-bct-program.page
- PG&E Tool Lending Library: http://www.pge.com/mybusiness/edusafety/training/pec/toolbox/tll/form/index.html?WT.mc_id=Vanity_pectll
- SB 518 renewal for Prop 39: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB518 “
Questions? Contact Reilly Loveland, Project Analyst.
© 2017 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved. This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by California’s investor-owned utilities under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.