Category: Multifamily
Energy Efficiency and Equity
Post / September 25, 2018
A recent article from CityLab highlights the squeeze on low-income households—primarily renters—from rising energy cost and dwindling funding for low-income energy assistance programs. Disadvantaged communities—low-income and largely minority neighborhoods–spend a much higher share of their income on energy, according to...

New Multifamily Guide Offers Solutions that Deliver Up to 25% Energy Savings
Post / October 10, 2017 / Energy Codes
Multifamily buildings pose a conundrum for advancing energy performance. As a building type, they are caught somewhere between commercial buildings and single-family residences – they are often constructed like commercial buildings, yet used as residential buildings. Energy-efficient technologies and design...
Best Practice Options for LED Lighting in Multifamily Offer Illumination Without Negative Impacts
Post / July 5, 2017 / Lighting
This material has been excerpted from the soon-to-be-released Multifamily Guide offering best practice design for high performance multifamily new construction projects. Stay tuned for more information on the Guide’s release. LED lighting had some of its earliest and broadest successes...