Zero Net Energy School Retrofit Trainings

Join one of our no-cost training events to learn how existing K-12 school and community college buildings in California are being transformed to zero net energy (ZNE) performance.

Two in-person workshops and four on-line webinars in 2018 will highlight the benefits of high performance schools and approaches to achieve ZNE in new and existing schools. Trainings will use real-world examples, including those currently underway in the Proposition 39 ZNE Pilot Program, to offer critical insight into the costs, design and construction approaches, and operational needs to successfully achieve ZNE in schools through whole building retrofits. Join us to hear lessons learned and expand knowledge of the opportunities and challenges to ZNE school design, retrofit and operations. These events comprise the 2018 Proposition 39 ZNE Pilot Training Series and are brought to you by California’s Investor-Owned Utilities.

Who should attend: school administrators, construction and operations managers, business officials, community stakeholders,architects, engineers, contractors, and others interested in high performance design and construction are encouraged to attend.

Download an informational flyer to share.

Past 2018 Workshops and Webinars

The path to Zero Net Energy (ZNE) school retrofits can be a daunting one. Some issues may seem overwhelming. Teams looking to implement ZNE often ask questions like where do I start? How do you pay for it? Learn from two “early adopter” school districts as they highlight their respective approaches to ZNE and describe the cost analysis that support their decisions.

Inefficiency is Old School: A Technical Deep Dive Into ZNE School Retrofits, October 30
Attendees will advance their knowledge of the design process, technology application and approaches used in the Proposition 39 ZNE School Retrofit Pilot Program. The four-hour interactive workshop will highlight technical design features, technology packages and construction practices from the ongoing journey of the Proposition 39 ZNE pilot schools. These demonstration projects are establishing “proof of concept” proving that all schools can start down the path to zero. This workshop will offer case studies and models for replication in your own efforts. The training will also address operational considerations and offer ideas that connect students with the building through educational components that can be crucial for successful performance and cost avoidance.

This one-hour webinar will highlight two ZNE school retrofit projects – one at a district scale and another at a community college. Featured projects include Garden Grove School District and San Bernardino Community College. Attendees will advance their knowledge of the stakeholder engagement, building assessment, design process, and technology applications used in these Prop 39 ZNE Schools Pilot Program demonstration projects.

Delivering The Winning Pitch: Making the Business Case for ZNE Schools, June 26
The zero net energy (ZNE) process can be daunting! Discover how the spark of an idea can ignite buy-in and fire-up key decision makers in the ZNE process. This three-hour session focuses on the business of creating ZNE in California’s K-12 schools and community college campuses. This interactive workshop will highlight the experiences of districts participating in the Proposition 39 ZNE Schools Pilot program including planning, engaging stakeholders, assessment of costs and savings and options to secure financing. This session will provide an opportunity for school district staff to hone their key messaging skills to effectively “sell” deep energy efficiency and ZE in their district. Decision makers and operators of these Prop 39 Pilot projects will provide real life examples and case studies to assist in replicating similar projects in your own district. Attendees will have the opportunity to hone their key messaging skills to effectively “sell” deep energy efficiency and ZNE in their district to help build consensus among community members and engage all the necessary audiences.

Dreaming the Future: How Zero Net Energy Design Can Transform the School Environment, June 13
Education is rapidly emerging as a leading sector among zero net energy (ZNE), high performance buildings. ZNE schools are highly efficient buildings that can meet all their energy needs with on-site renewable resources. Studies show that classrooms with sustainable attributes contribute to improved knowledge gain by providing a more comfortable, healthier environment for students and teachers. ZNE schools are becoming a living laboratory for students to better understand the nexus of technology, innovation, and the environment, bringing home the impact that our built environment can have on natural spaces. This one-hour webinar will focus on the benefits of ZNE, high performance schools so that practitioners understand the value and benefits they offer to students, teachers and communities.

Prop 39 ZNE School Retrofit Pilot Case Studies, May 31
This one-hour webinar will highlight two projects that demonstrate the proof-of concept in ZNE school retrofits: Newcastle Elementary School and Los Osos Middle School. Attendees will advance their knowledge of the stakeholder engagement, building assessment, design process, and technology applications used in two Prop 39 ZNE Schools Pilot Program demonstration projects. Project team members will highlight the challenges and lessons learned in their efforts to retrofit an existing school to an ultra-low energy target and adding renewable systems to offset their annual consumption. Based on these experiences, attendees will be able to apply this knowledge to develop the path to zero in their own school retrofit projects.

Questions? Contact Reilly Loveland, Project Manager

For more information about the ZNE school retrofit trainings offered in 2017 including presentation links, visit

 2018 Proposition 39 ZNE Pilot Training Series brought to you by California’s Investor-Owned Utilities


© 2018 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company. All Rights Reserved.

This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by California’s investor-owned utilities under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.