Our latest newsletter includes a new study surrounding Plug-In Heat Pump Water Heaters, a new blog on how homeowners with 100-150 amp panels can electrify their homes without a panel upgrade, information about our July 26th’s All-Electric Commercial Kitchens webinar, and more. Interested in receiving email communications from us? Sign up here.
Summer 2023
New study on Plug-In Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) available now!
Water and space heating account for 2/3 of U.S. residential energy usage and should be the cornerstones of any plan to decarbonize the built environment. Emerging, plug-in 120-volt HPWHs are entering the market and proving themselves to be important new offerings from manufacturers aiming to address some of the key barriers. This study provides an overview of lessons learned from the first ever third-party field validation effort on the 120-volt heat pump water heater technology. Read the report
Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign honors 17 districts and schools across the nation for energy upgrades and planning
K-12 schools consume about 9% of all the energy used in commercial buildings, and energy consumption is the second highest operational expense schools face. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign recently celebrated the achievements of 17 K-12 schools and districts that implemented exemplary projects to improve the energy and environmental performance of their school’s facilities. Schools were honored for upgrading facilities with technologies and practices to create healthy and more sustainable learning environments while also slashing their facilities’ energy needs, carbon emissions, and utility bills. Learn more