Last year was a big year for NBI – not only did it mark our organization’s 25th anniversary, but we logged major accomplishments for every month of 2022. We’re grateful for the support you’ve given us along the way, which is what made all of this possible.
Lifecycle GHG Impacts in Building Codes report published
This groundbreaking report presents language to incorporate embodied carbon requirements in building codes. Researchers explain the need to address the embodied carbon of the highest emitting materials and the carbon emission benefits for jurisdictions. Learn more in the full report here.
GridOptimal® Measure Impact Analysis Tool released
The GridOptimal Measure Impact Analysis Tool summarizes the key findings in a way that allows utility program planners and implementers to easily compare measures (e.g. high efficiency lighting, building envelope) across many dimensions (e.g. climate zone, grid region, building type). Check it out here.
GSA cites NBI in announcement on building materials
The General Services Administration (GSA) released new standards in March and announced that they will only contract with companies whose total emissions are 20 percent lower than the national limits recommended by our Lifecycle GHG Impacts in Buildings Codes report. Learn more here.
Decarbonization Roadmap Guide for Schools released
To help school districts realize their carbon neutral ambitions, NBI released a new roadmap guide with toolbox resources for those interested in healthy, efficient, carbon neutral school design, construction, and operation. Since the release, NBI has tracked over 20 districts that have passed carbon neutral resolutions. Access the resources here.
Model Government Zero Emissions Buildings Policy released
Developed with help from several cities participating in the American Cities Climate Challenge and input from NRDC, the Model Government Zero Emissions Buildings Policy offers plug-and-play policy language for jurisdictions considering taking a “lead by example” approach to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their built environment. Access the guide here.
Net Zero Buildings Week reaches over 20 million impressions on social media
During June 13-17, NBI facilitated the second annual Net Zero Buildings Week. More than 250 partners shared stories, building project examples, and resources related to net zero and carbon neutral buildings on social media using the hashtag #NetZeroNow. Learn more about the results here.
NBI’s Smita Gupta Appointed as Detailee to the CEQ
In July, we were thrilled to announce that NBI Director of Building Innovation, Smita Gupta, was appointed as Director for Federal Facility Decarbonization for the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Read more on the announcement here.
NBI staff present six papers at ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
We were pleased to have several NBI staff represent our organization at the 2022 ACEEE Summer Study at Asilomar in Pacific Grove. NBI Acting Director of Building Innovation, Alexi Miller, served as the Panel 3 leader planning programming for the event and NBI staff were involved in numerous presentations. Learn more here.
Existing Building Decarbonization Code released
The need to address existing building stock is great, with 5.9 million existing commercial buildings in the U.S. comprising 97 billion square feet. The Existing Building Decarbonization Code is a new way for jurisdictions to reduce carbon emissions and meet Climate Action Plan and public health and equity goals. Read the full guide here.
First ever Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) Day launches on social media
On October 26, the Advanced Water Heating Initiative (AWHI) led the first ever HPWH Day on Twitter and Linkedin to promote the technology of HPWHs. Over 100 organizations helped to share resources, stories, memes, and more using the hashtag #HeatPumpItUp. See the Twitter highlights here.
37 students welcomed to 2022 – 2023 Next Gen cohorts
NBI’s professional development program Next Gen, which is designed to foster the next generation of diverse buildings industry leaders, welcomed two cohorts of students in its second year. These students from across the nation are pursuing building-related degrees and are paired with an industry leader aligned with their professional aspirations. Learn about the students here.
NBI hosts largest ever webinar on embodied carbon
In early December, we hosted a webinar on embodied carbon, one of the hottest topics in the building industry. With over 1,200 registrants, the session covered embodied carbon basics, up-to-date information on embodied carbon codes and policies, and showcased perspectives from manufacturing and building design professionals. Watch it on-demand here.
We promise that this momentum will continue in 2023! NBI has exciting things planned for this year, including our 2023 Getting to Zero Forum happening in Minneapolis, May 10-12, new podcast episodes, resources, continuing education opportunities, and more. If you would like to support what’s to come in 2023, please consider making a donation: