We Hear You

I recently checked in with as many NBI stakeholders as I could to learn a little more about them and to see how NBI’s doing. A few months ago an email containing a link to an online communications interest survey was sent to 9,531 of NBI’s stakeholders. Without incentives, 629 recipients participated in the survey. Thank you to those who took time out of your busy day to respond. We are grateful for the feedback. For the most part, survey responses confirmed our priorities; however, they also indicated some areas for growth.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with the survey responses lately, compiling the information to share with our CEO and staff. We’re paying close attention to what we were told via the survey. We aim to support our stakeholders in their efforts to improve the efficiency of buildings.When respondents were asked how they used NBI information in the previous six months, over 50% had used information in their work, learned news from an NBI website or email and/or forwarded information from NBI. When asked which industry topics related to NBI’s work were most important to them professionally, all topics were rated as important by >50%. The survey also asked which of those industry topics NBI played an important role in, and Zero Net Energy (ZNE) scored highest at 77%. And on the subject of how NBI helps achieve significant energy savings, research and reports rated highest at 71%.
Communications Survey Graph
The graph above represents in dark blue some of the industry topics that were most important to stakeholders professionally. In light blue are the topics in which NBI is believed to play an important role. Our stakeholders let us know we need to keep pace with changing technology, improve and increase NBI’s online presence, and continue our research and share the results. If we didn’t contact you about the survey and you’d like to participate in future, sign up for one of our online publications at http://visitor.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001qvJffTsWrj-OTRpUovmtHw%3D%3D and you’ll be included in the next stakeholder survey.