Hug Your Super-Efficient Water Heater On Heat Pump Water Heater Day

Published by CleanTechnica: You’ve heard of tree huggers? Well, on October 26, the Advanced Water Heating Initiative and hundreds of other organizations will celebrate another cylindrical climate saving object we should all be excited about (and maybe even hugging) — the heat pump water heater.

We’ve got some work to do, which is why we need a day dedicated to the lowly water heater. Let’s get the word out about this game-changing technology! Hundreds of organizations will celebrate the first Heat Pump Water Heater Day on October 26. Join us on social media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram) using the hashtag #HeatPumpItUp to share your HPWH resources, products, professional practices, projects, and insights on why you think this is a game changing technology. Go to for more information, and find free sample posts here.

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