Tool 2 | Cool Roofs in the IgCC

Recommended Action:

Approve GG163, GG166, GG168, GG169 and GG302

Disapprove GG77, GG156, GG164


Mitigating the urban heat island (UHI) effect can produce benefits for buildings, neighborhoods, cities, suburban areas, and the globe. Air-conditioned buildings can see reduced energy bills and unconditioned buildings can be cooler in the summer months. Roofs can last longer due to reduced thermal expansion. Entire cities can shave peak electric demand during the summer months. Adverse health and mortality impacts may reduce during extreme heat events. Air and water quality can improve, as can a city’s quality of life. Because disadvantaged neighborhoods are often the most vulnerable to heat, addressing a city’s UHI can help improve social and environmental equity. (ACEEE, 2014)

Votes on several proposals (GG163, GG166, GG168, GG169 and GG302) will determine whether the IgCC helps lead the way for urban heat island mitigation and reflective/cool surface performance or continue to lag the marketplace. Together, these proposals improve the code language, provide a reasonable stretch reflectivity performance target that is in line with other green codes, and extend reflectivity requirements into climate zones 4a and 4b where cool roofs are already thriving in the marketplace and are required in several major cities.

We are also recommending voters reject proposals that would significantly weaken or remove the existing urban heat island section, including GG77, GG156, and GG164.

Next Steps

The Final Action Hearings have concluded with the last step being  electronic voting through October 29.

The final vote will be an electronic ballot for all registered governmental officials. To learn more about how the process works, visit the International Code Council website.

See the Explanation and Voting Guide to Cool Roof Public Comments from the Global Cool Cities Alliance.