Net Zero Fellowship

Post / December 13, 2016

In Oregon, the Energy Trust has launched a new Net Zero Fellowship. The aim is to support focused research that promotes market understanding and practices of net zero energy in commercial buildings. The fellowship will also assist in developing a...

2016 Getting to Zero National Forum – Growing a Movement

Post / October 31, 2016

The NBI Getting to Zero Forum team is back in Portland after a HUGELY successful week in Denver hosting the third Getting to Zero National Forum with our co-hosting partner, Rocky Mountain Institute. In many ways, the events of the...

2016 List of Zero Net Energy Buildings

Post / October 24, 2016

We recently returned from hosting the third Getting to Zero National Forum in Denver, Colorado. It was an inspirational and educational extravaganza, with over 300 leading minds from a wide variety of fields sharing their best ideas and expertise around Zero Net...

What is California doing that we can learn from?

Post / August 10, 2016

NBI sent out a joint press release with the California Public Utilities Commission and California Energy Commission, announcing that the Golden State has hit a major milestone of over 100 verified and emerging zero net energy (ZNE) buildings. With zero...

Help NBI Tell Your Story

Post / July 14, 2016

Ever since the first commercial Zero Net Energy (ZNE) building in North America (the Lewis Center at Oberlin University) came online more than 15 years ago, sharing successes and lessons learned has been a key piece in bringing ZNE to...

Zero Net Energy Buildings and the Grid

Post / February 22, 2016 / Metering, Zero Net Energy (ZNE)

As zero net energy (ZNE) and other low-energy buildings become increasingly common, we have to think about how different ZNE strategies can interact with their local electricity grids. The electricity grid was built as a one-way street, with energy flowing...

An Open Letter to America’s Architects

Post / October 29, 2015

I love movies where life as we know it will end unless someone can stop the massive meteor, or other catastrophe, from imploding the Earth. Everybody freaks out until some unlikely hero emerges with a risky, but innovative idea to...

Five Reasons Why Zero Energy Buildings are the Real Deal

Post / March 31, 2015

When New Buildings Institute published the first-ever list of verified zero energy buildings in 2012, an abstract concept turned real. These were documented examples of high-efficiency buildings coupled with onsite renewables that could produce enough energy to power themselves over...

McDonald’s Study Explores Idea of a Net Zero Energy Quick Service Restaurant

Post / March 16, 2015

A recently released study looks at the technical and financial feasibility of achieving new net zero energy restaurants in three cities including Chicago, Illinois, Orlando, Florida, and Washington, D.C. The study, commissioned by McDonald’s Corporation, was conducted by Rocky Mountain...

The 2015 Getting to Zero National Forum – What a Smashing Success

Post / February 23, 2015

Earlier this month, NBI, along with its partners the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), gathered over 250 of North America’s leading policymakers, design professionals, building owners and commercial real estate professionals at the...

Teaming with Technology

Post / January 26, 2015

It’s mid-January and I’m sitting in the most sustainable building in the world – the Bullitt Center in Seattle. It’s a grey cool day outside (it is Seattle after all), but inside the atmosphere is bright, with no electric lights...

U.S. DOE Looks for Agreement on Zero Energy Building Standards

Post / January 21, 2015

Futurists look for signs that tell them what’s to come. In case you missed it, there was an arm-waving sign earlier this week when the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a public notice asking for input on a variety...

Early adopters receive training on ZNE Buildings

Post / December 22, 2014

New Buildings Institute, CPUC and utilities collaborated to host two southern California training on zero net energy trends, policy and funding opportunities, case studies, and tools for communicating and planning zero energy buildings. Materials from the workshop are linked below....

Policies Promoting Net Zero Energy Should Focus On Efficiency First

Post / May 6, 2014

NBI and its partners, International Living Future Institute and Skanska, recently completed research on the costs associated with Zero Energy and Living Buildings™ for the District of Columbia Department of the Environment. The District has been a leader in high...

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Leads on High Efficiency, ZNE Buildings

Post / May 2, 2014

On April 29, 2014, Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee signed an Executive Order announcing a broad new effort for the State of Washington to address the challenges of climate change. The order contained some important language around zero net energy buildings...

The Widespread Success of ZNE Hinges on the Bottom Line, But Whose?

Post / February 25, 2014

In addition to my job at NBI, I’ve had the honor and privilege to serve on several boards, including Cascadia Green Building Council and the International Living Future Institute. My work has allowed me the opportunity to get to know...

ZNE – The Story Continues…

Post / February 14, 2014

NBI’s recently released 2014 Getting to Zero Status Update provides a snapshot of the advancing zero net energy (ZNE) market in commercial buildings. While the market is still very small, the number of buildings achieving ZNE Verified performance or those...

Zero Net Energy Buildings: The Future Is Now

Post / January 14, 2014

A quiet revolution is unfolding across North America; a simple and captivating idea is taking hold in executive suites, board rooms, design studios, on constructions sites, among political leaders, citizens, school teachers and students alike. Zero net energy (ZNE)—ultra-efficient structures...