2021 IECC: IECC National Model Energy Code (Base Codes) | 2021 IECC: Residential
The following proposals address a wide range of issues and improve the IECC by improving efficiency, clarifying requirements and creating greater flexibility for code users. Votes for proposals included in the 2021 IECC are classified as follows: As Submitted to the Code Action Committee, As Modified by the Code Action Committee, or As Modified by a Public Comment. Some proposals were modified and approved by one or more Public Comments with a number assigned to the Public Comment and in those cases the number is provided.
Code Change Proposal Numbers and Descriptions
Building Envelope
CE 35. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Above-Grade Wall Definition. Clarifies the definition of above-grade wall insulation to ensure that all elements of the exterior wall, including edges of floors, are insulated. Proponent: Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing Northwest Energy Codes Group
CE 61. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Results in better roof insulation. Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Harry Misuriello, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 63. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Results in more insulation in above-grade and below-grade walls. Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Harry Misuriello, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 64. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Results in more insulation in above-grade and below-grade walls. Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Harry Misuriello, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 66 – New. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Increases the R-value requirements for below grade walls in CZ 1. Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Harry Misuriello, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 68 – Revised. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Modifies the F-factor table for slabs in CZ3 – 5 for unheated slabs. Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Harry Misuriello, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 69 – Revised. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Modifies the F-factor table for slabs in CZ8 for unheated slabs. Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Harry Misuriello, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 87. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Results in reduced solar load on the building by requiring more stringent a solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) values in all climate zones. SHGC must be based on window type (fixed or operable). Proponent: William Fay, Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition, representing Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition; Daniel Bresette, Alliance to Save Energy, representing Alliance to Save Energy; Maureen Guttman, BCAP-IBTS, representing BCAP-IBTS; Harry Misuriello, representing American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
CE 96 and 97. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Increases whole-building efficiency by requiring air leakage testing. Proponent: Gayathri Vijayakumar, representing Steven Winter Associates, Inc.; Robert Schwarz, representing EnergyLogic + CE 97 Increases whole-building efficiency by requiring air leakage testing. Proponent: Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing Northwest Energy Codes Group
CE 99. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Increases whole-building efficiency by requiring air barrier verification/commissioning. Proponent: Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing Northwest Energy Codes Group
HVAC Systems
CE 111. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Improves building efficiency by detecting HVAC system failures in real time. Proponent: Marilyn Williams, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association
CE 113 – New. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Increases the minimum efficiency requirements for most HVAC equipment for consistency with ASHRAE 90.1. Proponent: Connor Barbaree, representing ASHRAE
CE 133 – New. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Requires Energy recovery ventilation for non-transient dwelling units greater than 500 ft2. The proposal requires recovery efficiency to be not less than 50%. Proponent: Connor Barbaree, representing ASHRAE
CE 140. Approved as Modified by Public Comment 1. Improves building efficiency by requiring more efficient low-capacity ventilation fans such as bathroom and exhaust fans. Proponent: Eric Makela, representing New Buildings Institute; Mike Moore, Newport Ventures, representing Broan-NuTone
CE 215. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Improves building efficiency by ensuring building mechanical systems are functioning properly. Proponent: Marilyn Williams, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Service Water Heating
CE 156 – New. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Increases the thermal efficiency, Et, requirement for service water heating equipment 1,000,000 Btu/h or greater. Proponent: Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing New Buildings Institute
Lighting and Power
CE 162. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Dwelling Unit Lighting Efficiency. Improves lighting efficiency in dwelling and sleeping units in commercial buildings (including high-rise multifamily). Proponent: Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing New Buildings Institute.
CE 169 – New. Approved as Modified by the Code Development Committee. Requires occupancy sensor controls on corridor lighting. Proponent: Jack Bailey, representing International Association of Lighting Designers; Glenn Heinmiller, Lam Partners, representing International Association of Lighting Designers.
CE 199 – New. Approved as Modified by Public Comments 1, 2 and 3. Requires lighting controls for parking garage lighting to dim lighting when no activity is detected. Requires dimming controls on lighting next to wall openings or fenestration to reduce lighting in response to available daylighting. Proponents: Marilyn Williams, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
CE 206 – New. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Increases the efficiency for interior lighting by lowering (making more efficient) the allowed lighting power density for the Building Area Method. Proponent: Connor Barbaree, representing ASHRAE.
CE 208 – New. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Increases the efficiency for interior lighting by lowering (making more efficient) the allowed lighting power density for the Space-by-Space Method. Proponent: Connor Barbaree, representing ASHRAE.
CE 209. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Indoor Horticulture Lighting. Improves building efficiency by requiring lighting used for plant growth or maintenance to meet an efficiency of 1.6 micromoles per Joule. Proponent: Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing New Buildings Institute
CE 215 – New. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Requires metering for buildings 25,000 ft2 and great and for six end use categories including HVAC, interior lighting, exterior lighting plug loads, process loads and building operations and other miscellaneous loads. Proponent: Marilyn Williams, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
CE 216. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Improves building efficiency by requiring controlled plug load receptacles for offices, conference rooms, break rooms, etc. Proponent: Marilyn Williams, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association
CE 217 Part I – New. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Requires nonresidential buildings and mid- to high-rise residential to have a percentage of their parking as EV Ready and EV Capable. Proponents: Matt Frommer, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, representing Southwest Energy Efficiency Project; Eric Makela, New Buildings Institute, representing New Buildings Institute; jim Edelson, representing New Buildings Institute; Steven Rosenstock, representing Edison Electric Institute; Francesca Wahl; Daniel Bresette, Alliance to Save Energy, representing Alliance to Save Energy.
Options Packages
CE 218: C406 Points Option. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. The current additional efficiency package options (C406) are all considered equal in the 2018 IECC; however, there is a great deal of variation in the energy savings. This proposal modifies the “pick one” option requirement to introduce a point system that reflects the different savings potential (based on an analysis of the options by PNNL) of the different options based on climate zone and building type. This modification makes C406 more flexible and effective and allows for the addition of more options. Proponent for this proposal is Eric Makela, representing Northwest Energy Codes Group.
CE 226: C406 Dwelling Unit Lighting Efficiency. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. The Advanced lighting option in Section C406.3 only has requirements for Lighting Power Density. For buildings dominated by dwelling units, especially multifamily projects, this is a substantial loophole. This proposal Closes that loophole by modifying the C406.3 advanced lighting option to specifically include requirements for lighting used in dwelling and sleeping units. Proponent for this proposal is Eric Makela, representing New Buildings Institute
CE 237 – New: C406 Energy Monitoring. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Provides credit under the Points Option for energy monitoring for six end uses including HVAC, interior lighting, exterior lighting plug loads, process loads and building operations and other miscellaneous loads. Credit is provided where not required in the prescriptive requirements of the IECC. Proponent: Harold Jepsen, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
CE 239 – New: C406 Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) System. Approved as Modified by Code Development Committee. Provides credit und the Points Option for installing fault detection and diagnostic system when not required by the prescriptive requirements of the IECC. Proponent: Marilyn Williams, representing National Electrical Manufacturers Association
CE 240: C406 Kitchen Equipment Additional Package. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. This proposal creates a new Efficiency Package for Section aimed at full-service and fast food commercial kitchens such as those found in Assembly Group A-2 or establishments that engage primarily in commercial food preparation and/or dispensing. Proponent for this proposal is Nicholas O’Neil, representing NW Energy Codes Group.
CE21-19: Renewable Energy Definition (2). As Modified by Public Comment 1. This proposal updates the definitions of biomass-related renewable energy for greater clarity and specificity in order to ensure that biomass-based sources of energy can reasonably be considered renewable energy. Proponent for this proposal is Jim Edelson, representing New Buildings Institute.
CE31-19 Part 1: Renewable Energy Definition (1). Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. This proposal updates the definitions related to renewable energy and renewable energy systems to provide greater clarity and to align them with current understanding of the shape and character of renewable energy sources in the market. Proponent for this proposal is Jim Edelson, representing New Buildings Institute.
CE262-19: Storage Ready. Approved as Submitted by Code Development Committee. Appendix CA provides a mechanism for jurisdictions to require buildings to be built with the infrastructure required for on-site renewable energy systems and a future of zero net energy. This proposal modifies Appendix CA provisions to ensure that there is design and space consideration for a standard sized battery rack, and for the connections to the electrical panels. Proponent for this proposal is Jim Edelson, representing New Buildings Institute.