Cathy Higgins is the NBI Research Director and has over 25 years in energy efficiency strategic planning, research, policy and large-scale project management. At NBI she manages work involving zero energy (ZE) buildings, measured performance, emerging technologies, market assessment and supports business development. She frequently shares findings on buildings and market trends nationally through conferences, webinars and meetings with practioners, program staff and policy makers. Cathy is currently leading a $5 million field demonstration in Los Angles on the retrofit potential and energy savings for shading and lighting technologies. Other recent projects include support on the New York Getting to Zero study, a gap analysis of California zero energy emerging technologies, and the energy performance of radiant cooling and heating systems energy use with University of California, Berkeley.
Prior to joining NBI in 2000, she served as Director of the Oregon Municipal Energy and Conservation Agency and was a Commercial Conservation Manager with Bonneville Power Administration. Cathy is a LEED Accredited Professional and has received Oregon and National Awards for her work in energy efficiency.