ZNE for State Buildings
Guideline / April 12, 2018 / Getting to Zero

The ZNE Project Guide for State Buildings was created to provide California state agencies a step by step guide and checklist for pursuing zero net energy (ZNE) for new buildings. Project managers can use this resource to gain stakeholder support, select a qualified design team, manage the design and construction process, operate the building as designed, and verify ZNE operations. The technologies outlined provide a list of common energy efficiency, production, and storage measures incorporated into other ZNE buildings. This guide includes a checklist for project managers, key information and resources organized by topic area, and a worksheet that project managers and agency-level program managers can use to track progress. A wide variety of external resources are referenced throughout the guide to help project managers and other stakeholders dive deeper into specific topics.
This guide was produced by NBI in collaboration with the California Department of General Services (DGS). This work was made possible by generous support from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE). Expert advice from beginning to end was provided by Nancy Ander and Dan Burgoyne of DGS, Peter Turnbull of PG&E, and Michelle Thomas of SCE. This guide is intended primarily to support State of California project managers working on zero energy new construction and major renovation projects, but the process and technology recommendations and information are applicable to many other projects, including existing building operations and projects outside of California state agencies.