Plug Loads
Report / March 24, 2013 / Building Innovation
Plug loads are among the biggest energy end uses in commercial office buildings. This is in part because plug loads are growing with greater information technology power demand and also because design approaches, codes and efficiency programs typically address other end uses. Resources here will provide information about research and solutions.
Final Research Summary Report: Plug Load Savings Assessment (March 2013)
This report summarizes the findings for the Plug Load Savings Assessment project within the Evidence-based Design and Operation research program. This report was prepared as part of the California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program.
Final Research Summary Report
Commercial Plug Load Energy Use Policy: What’s in Place, Pending and Possible (March 2013)
This paper examines the issues related to the energy use category in commercial buildings commonly referred to as Plug Loads and provides recommendations. With a path in codes and programs headed towards Zero Net Energy, plug loads have become a matter of increasing concern, both as a technological challenge and a policy driver.
Commercial Plug Load Energy Use Policy
Plug Load Methodology Paper and Case Study on PECI Office/Metrics Paper (March 2013)
This guide provides building designers, real estate personnel and utilities with two fundamental ways for expressing energy use characteristics for commercial plug loads; preliminary ranges for high, median, and low calculations; and a summary of references for metering and monitoring equipment and project management. A case study on the PECI office is provided in the appendix.
Plug Load Methodology
Commercial Office Plug Load Savings and Assessment: Executive Summary (December 2011)
This study characterizes electricity consumption of plug load devices in two LEED‐certified buildings in California and explores opportunities for plug load energy savings in office buildings. Findings from this field research suggest low- and no-cost savings opportunities through software, hardware and behavioral changes and can help guide plug load energy reduction programs and research. The study was conducted as part of the California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program. Read the full report.
Commercial Office Plug Load Savings and Assessment