Outcome-Based Performance Summit Summary
Report / September 12, 2014 / Codes And Policy, Outcome-Based Performance
Attention to achieving desired performance goals, particularly for energy use, through outcome-based requirements is growing. Given the numerous factors that influence actual performance (design, operations, climate, occupancy, etc.) and the traditional delivery pathways, important questions have been raised about how to address anticipated changes from the current contractual system and design and construction process. With a proposed Outcome-Based Pathway being considered within the International Green Construction Code (IgCC), the U.S. General Services Administration pursuing performance-based contracts, and other related efforts, industry thought leaders are coming together to address these issues.
Recently, the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) and New Buildings Institute (NBI) brought together experts and key stakeholders to identify the challenges and develop potential solutions for implementing outcome-based approaches to design, construction and operations. The event, held August 4-5, 2014 in Seattle, Washington, was sponsored by the International Association of Lighting Designers, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, and The American Institute of Architects.
This working meeting addressed the following objectives:
- Identify challenges, risks, and impacts of outcome-based building performance requirements on conventional building design and delivery mechanisms.
- Understand relevant motivations of owners, developers, institutions and design teams in relation to outcome-based approaches.
- Explore new and developing strategies for managing shared performance responsibilities, achieving ongoing building performance, and developing appropriate contractual relationships and incentives to achieve performance outcomes.
- Develop strategies and a framework for addressing key issues that will impact the design and development community, including near- and mid-term actions, as efforts to incorporate building performance outcomes become more common.
View introductory slides from the Summit with agenda
Read the first of a blog series on the event outcomes and next steps
Read the second of a blog series on outcome-based code compliance in the IgCC
Pre-Summit Webinar
Prior to the Summit, NBI and NIBS hosted a webinar on “Implementing Building Performance Outcome Requirements.” Presentations focus on projects that have successfully implemented outcome-based requirements. While the design of these projects is important, these case studies highlight issues related to contracts, teams and processes that drove the ultimate achievement of the outcomes desired.
Broadcast July 30, 2014
Presentation Slides (PDF, 12 MB)