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Workshop presentations:
LGSEC Quarterly Update-Welcome from City of Santa Monica
LGSEC Updates – Margaret Bruce, LGSEC Manager, LGC
Regulatory Update – Irene Moosen, Regulatory Consultant
ZNE Workshop for Local Governments – Introduction
Berkeley ZNE Library Case Study – Gerard Lee, HMC Architects
EE Projects on the Pathway to ZNE – Molly Drobnick, The Energy Coalition
ZNE Reach Code – Joel Cesare, City of Santa Monica
Status of ZNE: National Trends & Research – Ralph DiNola, New Buildings Institute
ZNE Strategies for Local Government – Ralph DiNola, New Buildings Institute
ZNE Tools & Resources – Heather Flint Chatto, New Buildings Institute
Purpose of the workshop. A free day-long workshop aimed at supporting local governments working to integrate state goals to achieve ZNE. Hear about climate and energy regulations/legislation updates as part of the LGSEC quarterly meeting, plus case studies on ZNE buildings, new programs and tools to support local government ZNE policy and plan development, as well as new ZNE research and emerging trends.
Who should attend? City planning and building staff, code officials, energy and facilities managers, sustainability coordinators, decision makers and others working in local government.
This event is part of the LGSEC’s regular quarterly networking meetings, NBI’s series of workshops on how California local governments can integrate state goals to achieve ZNE buildings, and The Energy Network’s series of workshops to build public agency capacity and expertise.
This event included:
-A comprehensive climate and energy regulatory and legislative update
-Opportunity to discuss LGSEC’s draft Local Government Energy Efficiency Program Administration BA sponsored lunch and keynote
-Case studies on public agency best practices for completing EE projects on the pathway to ZNE
-New programs, tools, and research to support local government ZNE policy and plan development
-Case studies and emerging trends for ZNE buildings
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Featured Speakers:
This workshop is brought to you on behalf of The Energy Network, LGSEC, The City of Santa Monica and New Buildings Institute. The Energy Network is administered by the County of Los Angeles and funded by California utility ratepayers under the aus pices of the California Public Utilities Commission.